Water Jetpack Rental Pricing
Original Flight Experience
Weekday Flight Experience- $149.95
- 15 min class with 30 min flight time
Weekend Flight Experience
- $199
15 min class with 30 min flight time
Multiple Unit & or Group Events
- Half-Day Rental – $1500 For groups of 8-10 people
- Full-Day Rental - $2500 For groups of up to 17 people
- Group Event Rental Pricing Includes 1 Boat and 2 operators
Flyboard, Jetovator or Jetpack Returning Pilots
Anytime Flight Time
for Returning Pilots- $99 = 30 min Flight Time
- $200 = 60 min Flight Time
HD GoPro Video Packages
Throughout the experience, helmet-mounted GoPro cameras catch swooping and soaring action from the pilot’s perspective for later splicing into vacation videos or spy-school dissertations. Students can also snack on complimentary refreshments before and after the flight. Consult Jetlev’s FAQ, video gallery, or mermaid booking agents for more information. Basic Video Package our instructor will shoot video from 1 GoPro Hero 3 camera and edit it into a short video clip for you to remember your flight experience by.
- $40
Premium Video Package - This package is a great way to see all the action, we will film from 2 to 3 different angles and edit the footage together into an awesome documentary of your flight experience. Get ready to be the next YOUTUBE Super Hero!
- $89.95
Premium Video With Extras - Same as Above but you get Some extra still shot pictures and 2 movies of your flight experience.
- $110
- 60 second Action packed Trailor
- 2-5 min Movie of your Flight Experience
- 10 edited out still shot photos of the best action part of your flight for your Facebook
Note: Video packages take a little time to put together.
Monthly Membership Rates
- Silver Membership - $69/month*
20 minutes of flight time per month
Pilot throttle control and use of trapeze
Instruction on advanced maneuvers, such as jet ski landings, corkscrews, boat take-offs, etc.
Ability to work toward pilot certification, where you'll be able to fly unsupervised . - Gold Membership - $89/month*
30 minutes of flight time per month
Pilot throttle control and use of trapeze
One 50% off guest coupon each month
Instruction on advanced maneuvers, such as jet ski landings, corkscrews, boat take-offs, etc.
Ability to work toward pilot certification, where you'll be able to fly unsupervised. - Platinum Membership - $149/month*
60 minutes of flight time per month
Pilot throttle control and use of trapeze
One FREE Introductory Flight Experience coupon each month
FREE Standard Video of all flights
Instruction on advanced maneuvers, such as jet ski landings, corkscrews, boat take-offs, etc.
Ability to work toward pilot certification, where you'll be able to fly unsupervised.
* Inquire at 830-832-4155 for details - More Info Click Here -
Call (830)832-4155 or (210) 514-8145